This book was written based on research results, which reveal two things. First, ethno-architecture studies, which describe patterns of cultural behavior of traditional kampong communities in interacting with the natural environment and the built environment (architecture) in a harmonious and sustainable manner. The point is that the people of Ciptagelar kampong, in their physical architectural system and cultural behavior, still maintain a pattern of harmonious interaction between humans and their built and natural environment. In the midst of the onslaught of modernism with its exploitative attitude, resilience, as demonstrated by Ciptagelar kampong, is still quite high. Second, the study of ethno-pedagogy, which describes the maintenance and inheritance of architectural behavior patterns through the learning process to the next generation. In essence, the reality of the local wisdom of the Ciptagelar traditional kampong community in the implementation of sustainable architecture and the values that accompany it, should be a rich source for the development of ethnopedagogical learning. Values and cultural behavior with local wisdom content in human interaction with the environment, which is in line with the principles of sustainable architecture, can be raised into varied, integrative, innovative, and meaningful material in learning basic science (nature) and experience-based social.