“Hi, how are you?” “I’m fine thank you” “And you?” “I’m fine too, thank you” those are typical phrases that come up in the beginning of English classes. But next, the conversation in the class was oftentimes switched into Bahasa Indonesia. That situation occurs because of many reasons; one of them is due to the lack of English exposures. In line with that problem, this book endeavors to provide the English learners, especially those majoring in Information Systems and Computer, more experiences dealing with English practices. This book comprises 12 chapters. They are What is A Computer?, Inside A Computer, Software and Operating System, Software and Programming Language, Malicious Software, Input Output System, Computer Network, Steganography, Cryptography, The Internet, Email, and Website and Search Engine. Moreover, each chapter encompasses several sub-chapters such as basic information about the topic, its relation to the current life, reading practice, speaking practice, opinion builder, grammar focus, and practice time. The authors highly expect that by reading this book, the readers gain more knowledge related to English and Information Systems or Computers.